February 20,1988

Holding of an extraordinary session of the Council of People's Deputies of the Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Republic (NKAR) with participation of only Armenian deputies in Khankendi. Addressing of the session as a request to the Presidium of Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan and Armenia to treat with understanding the unlawful decision to sever the NKAR from Azerbaijan SSR and transfer it to Armenian SSR and presentation of a petition to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for the resolution of the problem in line with the wishes of separatists

February 22,1988

Killing of two young Azerbaijanis by Armenians in Askeran

February 28,1988

Perpetrating of bloody outrages by Armenian instigators in Sumgait

March 24, 1988

The official prohibition of the activity of separatist organization "Krunk" which accused of breeding strife among the people by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan SSR

May 21,1988

Election of Abdurrahman Vezirov as the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Communist Party

July 12, 1988

Adoption of an illegal decree on annexation of autonomous region to the Armenian SSR by the session of the Council of People's Deputies of the NKAR

July 18, 1988

Discussion of the issue “About decisions of the Supreme Councils of the Armenian SSR and the Azerbaijan SSR regarding Nagorno-Karabakh” at the enlarged meeting of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council, considereing impossible to change the existing borders and the national-territorial division

November 17,1988

Beginning of the national movement in Azerbaijan

November 24,1988

Aplication of specific situation and curfew in Baku, Nakhichevan and Gandja cities

December 11, 1988

An aircraft IL-76 crash carrying 78 persons flying from Azerbaijan to Armenia to render aid in the earthquake zone under enigmatic conditions near Leninakan (at present Gyumri) city

January 12-november 28, 1989

Starting of an activity of alleged Special Administrative Committee (SAC) headed by Arkady Volsky created by Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council

June 16, 1989

Holding of a constituent conference of Azerbaijan National Front in semi-hidden conditions in Baku

September 23,1989

Adoption of the Constitutional Law “On sovereignty of the Azerbaijan SSR at the extraordinary session of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan Republic

December 1, 1989

Adoption of the unlawful decree “On annexation of Nagorno-Karabakh to the Armenian SSR” by the Armenian SSR Supreme Council

December 4, 1989

Publication of the newspaper “Azadliq”

December 30, 1989

Restitution of historical name of Gandja city

December 31, 1989

Destroying of the border installations along the river Araz in Soviet-Iranian border in Nakhchivan ASSR

January 15,1990

Announcing of the state of emergency in Nagorno-Karabakh and some other areas by the decree of Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council

January 18,1990

Destroying of the border installations in Bilasuvar and Jalilabad regions

January 19, 1990

Blasting of the power – unit of Azerbaijan television at 7:27 p.m

January 20, 1990

Bloody January carnage in Baku

As a result of illegal deployment of the troops 147 people were killed, 744 wounded, 841 illegally arrested in Baku and regions of the republic and 112 of the arrested people were taken to the various cities of the USSR and retained in the prisons

January 21, 1990

Heydar Aliyev`s speech at the meeting held in the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan in Moscow

January 22, 1990

Funeral ceremony of the martyrs of January 20 was held at the former “Highland Park” – “Alley of Martyrs”

January 24, 1990

Ayaz Mutallibov was elected the first secretary of the Central Committee of Comminist Party of Azerbaijan

March 24, 1990

The military units of Armenia attacked the village Baganis-Ayrim of Gazakh region and inflicted appalling tragedy

May 19, 1990

The office of “President of the Republic” was established by the session of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR

May 21, 1990

May 28, 1918 was announced the day of Restoration of the Azerbaijani statehood by Decree of the President of the Republic

June11, 1990

Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR declared a state of emergency on border territories with Armenia

July 20, 1990

Heydar Aliyev returned from Moscow to Baku

July 22, 1990

As Heydar Aliyev was not given an opportunity for staying in Baku, he flew from Baku to Nakhchivan

August 10, 1990

Armenian terrorists commited an act of terrorism in the Tbilisi-Aghdam passenger bus in Khanlar region

September 30, 1990

Elections to the Azerbaijan SSR Soviet of People's Deputies and local people’s deputies

November 17, 1990

A decree was issued on abolishment of the words “Soviet Socialist” at the name of Autonomous Republic and declaration of the tri-color flag of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic with crescent and an eight-point star as the national flag of the Autonomous Republic at the parliament session of Nakhchivan ASSR

November 21, 1990

Giving a political appraisal to January 20 tragedy by the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan AR

February 5, 1991

Approval of the country’s name “The Republic of Azerbaijan” and the tri-color flag at the session of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR

June 21,1991

Awarding of Hazi Aslanov with an honorary title “Hero of the Soviet Union” for the second time

July 31, 1991

Armenian terrorists`blast on Moscow-Baku passenger train near Mahachkala

August 8,1991

Expulsion of the last azerbaijanis living in Armenia from the village Nuvedi

August 30,1991

Adoption of the declaration “On restoration of state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the extraordinary session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

September 3, 1991

Heydar Aliyev was elected Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan AR

September, 1991

Formation of an illegal establishment so-called “The Republic of Nagorno Karabakh ” by armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh

September 5, 1991

Formation of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Azerbaijan

September 8, 1991

New Presidential Elections were held in Azerbaijan

September 29, 1991

Appointment of National Defence Council consisting of 8 persons on a par with officials and opposition representatives

October 9, 1991

A law “On the National Self-Defense Forces of Azerbaijan” was adopted by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

October 18, 1991

The Constitution Act “On the State Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan” was unanimously passed at the session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Establishment of the office of chief executive authority in regions, cities and urban areas

October 25, 1991

Unveiling of the memorial of Nizami Ganjavi in Moscow

November 9, 1991

The Republic of Turkey was the first state to recognize the state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan

November 20, 1991

Shooting down of the Azerbaijani helicopter carrying a team consisting of government officials of the Republic of Azerbaijan, observers of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, Russia and Kazakhstan by Armenian military forces near the Karakend village of Martuni (at present Khojavend) district

November 26, 1991

Abolishment of Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast according to the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

November 26, 1991

Appointment of on a par with 25 representatives of “Demblock” and 25 persons from other deputies in the Supreme Council by the National Assembly

December 8, 1991

Collapse of the USSR existed for 68 years, 11 months, 7 days, 21 hours, 19 minutes

December 8, 1991

Formation of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

December 9, 1991

Azerbaijan`s becoming of a member of Organization of the Islamic Conference

December 11, 1991

Recognition of the state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan by Romania

December 13, 1991

Recognition of the state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan by Pakistan

December 16, 1991

Adoption of an appeal of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan on marking the 31st of December as a holiday of Solidarity and Unity of Azerbaijanis of the world on Heydar Aliyev’s initiative by the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

December 25, 1991

Issuance of the Act on restoration of Azerbaijan alphabet in Latin script

December 25, 1991

Recognition of the state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan by slamic Republic of Iran

December 29, 1991

Nation-wide referendum on the State Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan

January 3, 1992

Disbandment of the National Defence Council and appointment of the State Defense Committee

January 8, 1992

Terrorist act on the Krasnovodsk - Baku passenger by Armenians. 25 persons died and 88 were seriously wounded

January 14, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey

January 20, 1992

Azerbaijan`s joining to the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE)

January 21, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Switzerland

January 21, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Liechtenstein

January 23, 1992

Recognizing of the state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the USA

January 30, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Korean Democratic People's Republic (KDPR)

February 6, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Ukraine

February, 1992

Formation of the Trade Unions Confederation of Azerbaijan

February 10, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Mexico

February 11, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Spain

February 20, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Austria

February 21, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and France

February 21, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Poland

February 24, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia

February 25, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Yemen

February 25-26, 1992

Khojaly Genocide committed by Armenian armed forces. As a result 613 persons were killed, 1000 people became disabled of bullet wound. On tragedy night 1275 inhabitants were taken hostage, while the fate of 150 persons remains unknown to this day

February 26, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Bangladesh

February 28, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and the USA

February 28, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and India

February 28, 1992

Blast on passenger train “Kislovodsk-Baku” near the station Gudermes by Armenians. As a result, 11 persons died, 18 were wounded

March 2, 1992

Azerbaijan`s admittance to UNO

March 5-6, 1992

Resigning of Ayaz Mutallibov `s office at the extraordinary session of the Supreme Soviet

March 10, 1992

Formation of the National Olympic Committee

March 11, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Great Britain

March 11, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Guinea

March 12, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Iran

March 16, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Libya

March 17, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Germany

March 23, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Korea

March 24, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Finland

March 24, 1992

Creation of OSCE Minsk Group on Nagorno-Karabakh

March 25, 1992

Establishment of Honorary title “National Hero of Azerbaijan”

March 27, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Egypt

March 27, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Cuba

March 27, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Philippines

March 28, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Syria

March 30, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Iraq

April 1, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Netherlands

April 2, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and China

April 2, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Greece

April 2, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Denmark

April 4, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Russia

April 7, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Israel

April 10, 1992

Russia recognized the state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan

April 15, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Palestine

April 16, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Mongolia

April 20, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Estonia

April 23, 1992

Formation of Higher Attestation Commission of Azerbaijan

April 27, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Hungary

April 29, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and South African Republic

May 8, 1992

Occupation of city Shusha by Armenian Armed Forces

May 8, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Italy

May 8, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Sweden

May 14, 1992

Reinstatement of ex-president Ayaz Mutallibov to the presidency

May 15, 1992

Dismissal of Ayaz Mutallibov from his position by the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan Popular Front

May 17-18, 1992

Occupation of city Lachin by Armenian Armed Forces

May 18, 1992

Renaming of the National Assembly of the Supreme Council to “Milli Majlis”

May 18, 1992

Switch of power to Azerbaijan Popular Front

May 24, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Vatican

May 27, 1992

Enactment of the law “On the Military Tribunal”

May 27, 1992

Approval of the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan

May 28, 1992

Inauguration of the bridge “Umid”, connecting the districts Sadarak-Diluchu between Nakhchivan and Turkey

May 29, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Moldova

May , 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Tajikistan

June 1, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Luxemburg

June 5, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria

June 5, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Norway

June 9, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan

June 9, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Pakistan

June 16, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Rumania

June 17, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Belgium

June 19, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Australia

June 29, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and New Zealand

July 7, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Thailand

July 10, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Canada

July 13, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Oman

July 25, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Sudan

August 4, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Portugal

August 15, 1992

Putting of Azerbaijan national currency into circulation

August 25, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Morocco

August 27, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Guinea-Bissau

August 30, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan

September 1, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and United Arab Emirates

September 7, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Japan

September11, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Ghana

September18, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Lebanon

September23, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Vietnam

Septembe 24, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Indonesia

October 16, 1992

Address of 91 representatives of the Republic intelligentsia to Heydar Aliyev

October 24, 1992

Adoption of the section 907 of the Freedom Support Act banning any kind of aid at the state level, as well as humanitarian aid to Azerbaijan by the USA Congress blaming Azerbaijan for imposition of the alleged blockade on Armenia

October 31, 1992

Establishment of TURKSOY (Organization for Joint Development of Turkic Culture and Art)

November 2, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Ethiopia

November 2, 1992

Admittance of the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan to European Olympic Committee

November 3, 1992

Enactment of the law “On Military Service”

November 18, 1992

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Georgia

November 21, 1992

Establishment of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) in Nakhchivan

November 28, 1992

Azerbaijan`s joining to the Economic Cooperation Organization

December 25, 1992

Adoption of the resolution on transition to the test method in entrance examinations to the higher and secondary special schools of the Republic

November 31, 1992

Declaration of the Day of Solidarity of the Azerbaijanis of the world

January 19, 1993

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Kirghizia

January 27, 1993

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Czechia

February 13, 1993

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Jordan


Putting up of a monument to Shah Ismail Khatai in Baku

February 23, 1993

Confirmation of the National Emblem of the Republic of Azerbaijan

April 2-3, 1993

Occupation of Kalbajar by Armenian Armed Forces

April 5, 1993

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Malaysia

April 30, 1993

United Nations Security Council`s adoption on the resolution 822 in response to the occupation of Kalbajar

May 7, 1993

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on application of multi-step (baccalaureate and magistracy) educational system in the higher educational institutions

May 26, 1993

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Madagascar

May 27, 1993

Putting up of a monument to Huseyn Javid in Baku

June 4, 1993

A military uprisin in Ganja

June 11, 1993

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Belorussia

June 15, 1993

Heydar Aliyev`s election as the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan

June 17, 1993

Fleeing of President Abulfaz Elchibey fom Baku to Nakhchivan, to village Keleki

June 24, 1993

Voting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the transfer of the presidential authorities to the Chairman of the Supreme Council Heydar Aliyev

July 3, 1993

Establishment of State Lezghi Theatre in Gusar

July 23, 1993

Occupation of Aghdam city by Armenian Armed Forces

July 29, 1993

Adotion of adopted the resolution 853 in response to the occupation of Aghdam by United Nations Security Council

August 7, 1993

Declaration of the alleged “Talish Moughan Republic” on the south of the Republic of Azerbaijan

August 21-23, 1993

Elimination of the alleged “Talish Moughan Republic”

August 23, 1993

Occupation of Jabrail and Fizuli regions by Armenian Armed Forces

August 29, 1993

A referendum on vote of confidence in President Abulfaz Elchibey by the decree of National Assembly

August 31, 1993

Occupation of Gubadli by Armenian Armed Forces

September 23, 1993

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Albania

September 23, 1993

Becoming of the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan a member of the International Olympic Committee at the 101st session of the International Olympic Committee held in Monaco

September 24, 1993

Accidence of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)

October 3, 1993

Election of Heydar Aliyev as a President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

October 14, 1993

Adoptaion of the resolution 874 in response to the occupation of the new territories of Azerbaija by United Nations Security Council

October 21, 1993

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Brazil

October 29, 1993

Occupation of Zanghilan by Armenian Armed Forces

November 8, 1993

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Argentina

November 12, 1993

Adoption of the resolution 884 by United Nations Security Council

November 18, 1993

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Zambia

November 23, 1993

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Slovakia

May, 1994

Acceptance of Azerbaijan into UEFA

January 5, 1994

Release of Horadiz district and 22 villages of Fuzuli region from Armenian Armed Forces by Azerbaijani Army

January 11, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Latvia

March 2, 1994

Change of Baku Islam Institute into Caucasus Islam University

March 5, 1994

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev to People’s Republic of China (PRC)

March 19, 1994

An explosion commited by Special servises of Armenia and “Sadval” organization (Lezghin separatist movement) at the “20 January” station of Baku Metro

March 29, 1994

Giving a political and legal assessment of January 20 events in 1990 by Milli Majlis (National Assembly) of the Republic of Azerbaijan

April 5, 1994

Issuance of the decree “On Liberalization of Foreign Trade in the Republic of Azerbaijan”

April 13, 1994

Blast on passenger train “Moscow-Baku” near the station “Daghestanskie Ogni” by Armenians

April 22, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Algeria

May 3-5, 1994

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev to Belgium

May 4, 1994

Azerbaijan`s joining to the NATO "Partnership for Peace" program

May 5, 1994

Signing of “Bishkek protocol” on termination of hostilities on Armenian-Azerbaijani front

May 12, 1994

Coming into force a ceasefire on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

July 24, 1994

Adoption of a law “On the Social Protection of Population”

July 26, 1994

Establishment of the Ministry of Youths and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan

August 15, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Singapore

September 6, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Comoro Islands

September 14, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Qatar

September 18, 1994

Opening of Niyazi Museum in Baku

September 20, 1994

Signing of a “Contract of the Century” in Gulistan Palace of Baku

September 24, 1994

Assassination of Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council Afiyaddin Jalilov and Chief of Military Intelligence Shamsi Rahimov

October 7, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Kuwait

October 29, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Mauritania

October 26-30, 1994

The President Heydar Aliyev’s participation and speech at the 49th session of the UNO

November 1, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Guatemala

November 2, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Seychelles

November 3, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Chile

November 11, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Gambia

November 16, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Afghanistan

November 21, 1994

Establishment of “The Fund of the Social Protection of Population”

November 23, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Nicaragua

December 1, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Angola

December, 1994

Adoption of the resolution supporting territorial integrity of Azerbaijan at the Seventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference

December 5-6, 1994

Budapest Summit of Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

December 13, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Colombia

December 20, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Maldive Islands

December 22, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Honduras

December 28, 1994

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Cambodia

December 28, 1994

Opening of the memorial flat of Jalil Mamedgulizadeh

January 9, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Malta

January 9, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Guyana

January 11, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Uruguay

January 26, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Croatia

January 27-31, 1995

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev`s participation in the World Economic Forum held in Davos

February 9, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Bosnia and Herzegovina

February 24, 1995

Establishment of the Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC)

February 24, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Cameroon

February 28, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Nepal

March 2, 1995

Foundation of the State Commission on Agrarian Reform

March 2, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Burundi

March 12, 1995

Riots by Special Police Squad officers in Agstafa and Gazakh regions

March 13, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Sierra Leone

March 16, 1995

Elimination of the Special Police Squad by the decree of the President

March 17-18, 1995

Prevention of coup attempt in Baku

March 22, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Saint Kitts and Nevis

April 5, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Antigua and Barbuda

April 6, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Panama

May 4, 1995

Start of the Amnesty Institute`s activity in Azerbaijan

May 12, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Venezuela

May 22, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Laos

June 20, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Mozambique

June 28, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Macedonia

August 19, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Uganda

September 29, 1995

Adoption of the “State Program on Privatization of State Property during 1995-1998 in the Republic of Azerbaijan ”

October 2, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan

November 10, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Niger

November 12, 1995

Adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan by nationwide referendum

First Parliamentary elections on majority and proportional system were held in Azerbaijan

November 21, 1995

Establishment of the National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NAYORA)

November 22, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Jamaica

November 24, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Brunei

November 26, 1995

Admittance of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society (AzRC) into the International Committee of the Red Cross and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

November 27, 1995

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Lithuania

February 2, 1996

The first Republican Forum of the Youth

February 20, 1996

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Slovenia

February 21, 1996

Establishment of “Legal Reforms Commission” under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

March 14, 1996

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Senegal

April 9-11, 1996

Official visit of the President Heydar Aliyev to Islamic Republic of Pakistan

April 30, 1996

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Andorra

May 21, 1996

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Sri Lanka

May 22, 1996

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Liberia

June 22, 1996

Presidential decree “On State Assistance to Young Talents of Azerbaijan”

June 25, 1996

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Peru

July 1-4, 1996

Official visit of the President Heydar Aliyev to Germany

July 1, 1996

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Ireland

July 6, 1996

Putting of 310-metre-high TV tower into operation in Baku

July 8, 1996

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Bolivia

July 15, 1996

Creation of the Azerbaijan State Marine Academy (ASMA) on the basis of the Baku Marine College,

July 16, 1996

Adoption of law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Land Reform”

July 19 - august 2, 1996

The first participation of independent Azerbaijan sportsmen in the Games of the XXVI Olympiad

July 19, 1996

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Mauritius

July 23, 1996

Opening of “Coca-Cola” soft drinks plant in Baku

October 1, 1996

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Gabon

October 22, 1996

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Djibouti

October 29, 1996

Opening of Huseyn Javid’s mausoleum in Nakhchivan

November, 1996

Publication of “Uzeyir Hajibeyov Encyclopaedia”

November 6, 1996

The 3rd Congress of the writers of the Turkic world held in Baku

November 6, 1996

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Bahrain

November 19, 1996

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Côte d'Ivoire

November 26, 1996

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Mali

December 2-3, 1996

OSCE Lisbon Summit

January 12-14, 1997

Official visit of the President Heydar Aliyev to France

January 15, 1997

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Costa Rica

March 17, 1997

Alteration of Caucasus Islamic University to Baku Islamic University

March 24-25, 1997

Official visit of the President Heydar Aliyev to Ukraine

April 20, 1997

Enactment of Presidential Decree on solemnly celebration of the 1300th anniversary of the Epos “Kitabi-Dede Gorgud”

May 5-8, 1997

Official visit of the President Heydar Aliyev to Turkey

1997,10-11 iyun

Official visit of the President Heydar Aliyev to Kazakhstan

June 27, 1997

Declaration of the 15th of June - when Heydar Aliyev was elected the Chairman of the Supreme Council – National Salvation Day by Milli Majlis

July 3-4, 1997

Official visit of the President Heydar Aliyev to the Russian Federation

July 27 – august 7, 1997

First official visit of the President Heydar Aliyev to the USA

July 31, 1997

Election of Ilham Aliyev as the president of the National Olympic Committee (NOC)

August 21, 1997

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Serbia

September 5, 1997

Foundation of the Azerbaijani working group on the main exportation pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC)

September 13, 1997

Issuance of the Presidential Decree “On Granting Special Scholarships for Young Talents”

October 21, 1997

Enactment of the law “On Constitutional Court”

November 7, 1997

First oil production from Chirag-1 platform

November 10, 1997

Issuance of the Presidential Decree “On Increase of State Assistance to Literary and Cultural Workers in the Republic of Azerbaijan”

November 12, 1997

Pumping of the first oil well drilled by Azerbaijan International Operation Company (AIOC)

November 18, 1997

Adoption of the law “On Culture”

November 25, 1997

Signing of the protocol declaring the formation of the block “GUAM” (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova) in Baku

December 18, 1997

Promulgation of the decree on “Deportation of Azerbaijanis from their historical-ethnic lands in Armenia SSR during the period between 1948 and 1953 ”

January 14, 1998

Establishment of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs

January 30, 1998

Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on celebration of the 80th anniversary of establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

February 10, 1998

Passing of an act on the abolition of the death penalty by Milli Majlis (National Assembly)

February 24-28, 1998

Official visit of the President Heydar Aliyev to Japan

February 27, 1998

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Iceland

February, 1998

Establishment of “Azerbaijan – Daghestan Friendship Society”

March 13, 1998

Establishment of Nakhchivan branch of the Republican Primary Military Boarding School named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski

March 26, 1998

Signing of the decree “On the Genocide of Azerbaijanis”. The 31st of March was declared the Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

April 10, 1998

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments”

April 13, 1998

The decree “On Intensification of Propaganda of state symbols of the Republic of Azerbaijan”

April 28, 1998

Adoption of the new Constitution of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

May 19, 1998

Adoption of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Children’s Rights”

June 5, 1998

Signing of the Yalta Declaration on establishment of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) Organisation by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and adoption of the Charter of the Organisation

June 9, 1998

Participation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev in the international opening of the new capital of Kazakhstan Astana and in the 5th Summit of the heads of the Turkic speaking countries

June 18, 1998

Approval of “State Program on Human Rights Protection”

June18, 1998

Commencement of the Constitutional Court `s activities

July 1, 1998

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Tunisia

August 5, 1998

Putting up of a monument and the Eternal Flame in Martyrs’ Avenue on the order of the President

August 8, 1998

Signing of the decree “About the follow-up actions on securing freedom of speech, thought and information” by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Elimination of the Head Office under the Cabinet of Ministers on guarding state secrets in the press and other mass media (Glavlit)

September 8, 1998

International Conference for Rehabilitation of Historical Silk Road in Baku. Signing of "Basic Multilateral Agreement on International Transport for Development of the Europe-the Caucasus-Asia Corridor" and Baku Declaration.

September 14-15, 1998

Azerbaijani Women Conference

September 17, 1998

Approval of the “State Program on solution of the problems of refugees and internally displaced persons ”

September 25, 1998

Azerbaijani Teachers Conference

October 11, 1998

Re-election of Heydar Aliyev as the President at the Presidential elections held in the Republic of Azerbaijan

October 29, 1998

Signing of the Ankara Declaratio by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

December 12, 1998

Putting of Western Route Export Pipeline (WREP) into operation

December 28, 1998

Restoration of Baku-Caspian diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church

December 29, 1998

Approval of the New Constitution of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic by Milli Majlis (National Assembly) of the Republic of Azerbaijan

December 29, 1998

Giving a National Park status to Seafront Boulevard of Baku city

January 3, 1999

Establishment of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic on the basis of the Institute of Social Administration and Politology

March 2-3, 1999

II Azerbaijani Youths Forum

March 23, 1999

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Salvador

April 4, 1999

Rename of the organisation GUAM into GUUAM due to the membership of Uzbekistan

April 8, 1999

First oil transportation to Supsa terminal

April 13, 1999

Awarding of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev as the “International Peace Premium of Ataturk”

Signing of Istanbul protocol on completion of Baku-Ceyhan project negotiations

April 17, 1999

Putting of Baku-Supsa oil pipeline and the Supsa termina into operation

June 22, 1999

Adoption of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on National Archives

July 29, 1999

Adoption of the Programme “On State Youth Policy”

August 3, 1999

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Myanmar

September 30, 1999

Opening of the new complex of Baku Bina International Air Terminal

October 14, 1999

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Benin

November 18, 1999

Signing of an agreement on transportation of Azerbaijani crude oil through Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export pipeline between the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Republic of Turkey

November 18, 1999

OSCE Summit in Istanbul

Initiative by President Heydar Aliyev on the establishment of “The Pact on Security and Cooperation in the South Caucasus”In OSCE Summit in Istanbul

December 6, 1999

Establishment of “Social Development Fund of Internally Displaced Persons”

December 12, 1999

Municipal elections held in the Republic of Azerbaijan for the first time

December 29, 1999

Establishment of the State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan

February 11, 2000

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Surinam

March 6, 2000

Promulgation of the Presidential decree “On Implementation of the State Women Policy”

June 13, 2000

Presidential Decree “On Improvement of Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan”

August 10, 2000

Approval of the Second State Program on Privatization

April 8-9, 2000

Celebration of the 1300th anniversary of the Epos “Kitabi-Dede Gorgud” in Baku

November 5, 2000

Elections to the Milli Majlis (Parliament) of the Republic of Azerbaijan

November 25, 2000

A strong earthquake in Baku and Sumgait

January 9, 2001

The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin’s official visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Issuance of Baku Declaration

January 16, 2001

The 15th Meeting of the Permanent Council of the Culture Ministers of Turkic-speaking states – TURKSOY held in Baku

January 25, 2001

Admittance of Azerbaijan to the Council of Europe as a full member

February 21, 2001

Opening of the Office of Permanent Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Commission of TRACECA in Baku

March 9, 2001

Establishment of Ataturk Centre in Azerbaijan

March 27, 2001

Putting of the new office building of the National Olympic Committee (NOC) into operation in Baku

April 3, 2001

Heydar Aliyev`s statement on Azerbaijan’s principled stand in Key West (USA) Talks for the Resolution of Karabakh Conflict

April 26-27, 2001

The 7th Summit of the Heads of Turkic-speaking states in Istanbul

May, 2001

Establishment of Belgium-Azerbaijan Friendship Society

May 15, 2001

Signing of the decree “on the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences” by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

June 6-7, 2001

Yalta Summit of the Heads of member states of GUUAM

June 18, 2001

Promulgation of Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On perfection of measures for the use of the state language"

June 21, 2001

Promulgation of Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic

June 23, 2001

Start of Baku Steel Company`s operation

November 9-10, 2001

The 1st World Azerbaijanis Congress held in Baku

December 28, 2001

Adoption of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan”

January 28, 2002

Waiving of section 907 of the Freedom Support Act banning any kind of aid at the state level, as well as humanitarian aid to Azerbaijan by the USA President

March, 2002

Announcement of the President Heydar Aliyev as the Friend of Journalists”

April 19, 2002

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and San Marino

April 29-30, 2002

Trabzon Summit of the Presidents of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia

May 2, 2002

Inauguration ceremony of the 45th European Championship on free-style wrestling held in Sport - Concert Complex in Baku

May 18-20, 2002

Official visit of the President Heydar Aliyev to Islamic Republic of Iran

May 22-23, 2002

Visit of the Head of Vatican State, Rome Pope Ion Paul II to the Republic of Azerbaijan

May 24, 2002

Putting of Shamkir-Yenikend hydro power onto operation

June 9, 2002

Unveiling of Nizami Ganjavi’s Memorial in Saint-Petersburg

June 11, 2002

Promulgation of the Decree “On Establishment of Individual Scholarships of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

June 15, 2002

Opening of Olympic Sports Complex in Nakhchivan

June 24, 2002

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Belize

June 25, 2002

Entering of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On TV and Radio Broadcasting” into force

July 5, 2002

Establishment of the State Committee on Work with Azerbaijanis Living Abroad

August 7, 2002

Establishment of Nakhchivan branch of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

August 17, 2002

Establishment of the Assistance Fund for Azerbaijani Armed Forces

August 24, 2002

Conduction of the nation-wide referendum for amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan

September 12, 2002

Opening of Olympic Sports Complex in Ganja

September 18, 2002

The groundwork for Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export oil pipeline laid in Sangachal terminal

September 30,2002

The Law “On the Official Language in the Republic of Azerbaijan”

October 5, 2002

Establishment of the National Council on TV and Radio

October 24, 2002

Opening of Huseyn Cavid’s memorial flat in Baku

October 25, 2002

Nation-wide conference on presentation of the "State Program on Poverty Reduction and Economic Development" held in Gulistan Palace

November 9, 2002

Opening of Olympic Sports Complex in Sheki

November 18, 2002

Azerbaijan`s admittion as an associative member to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly

December 2, 2002

Signing of the decree “On Improvement of Archival Activities in the Republic of Azerbaijan”

December 12, 2002

Opening of the twentieth in succession “Hazi Aslanov” station of the Baku Underground

December 24, 2002

Adoption of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Regulation of Implementation of Human Rights and Freedoms in the Republic of Azerbaijan”

January 4, 2003

Promulgation of the decree “About the status of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences”

January 27, 2003

Election of Ilham Aliyev as the Deputy Chairman and Bureau member of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)

February 1, 2003

Issuance of the Presidential Decree “On Building a Memorial for Azerbaijan Democratic Republic”

February 17, 2003

Signing pf the Order on approval of the “Program on building of new comprehensive secondary schools in the Republic of Azerbaijan, extensive repairs and provision with up-to-date training facilities of existing schools (during 2003-2007)”

February 17, 2003

Issuance of the Decree on “Series of arrangements in connection with storage and restoration of the State Historical-Architectural Preserve “Icherisheher” in Baku city”

February 18, 2003

Issuance of the Decree “On Approval of the National Program concerning the Ecology in the Republic of Azerbaijan”

February 23-28, 2003

President Heydar Aliyev’s official visit to the USA

April 21, 2003

Speech by Heydar Aliyev at the ceremony dedicated to the anniversary of the military school named after J. Nakhchivanski in Republic Palace

May 9, 2003

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Haiti

May 23, 2003

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and St. Vincent

July 8, 2003

Departure of Heydar Aliyev for Ankara for medical examination at Gulhane Military Academy Hospital

July 19, 2003

Registration of Heydar Aliyev’s candidacy for presidency by Central Election Commission

July 30, 2003

Sending an appeal to Milli Majlis recommending to discuss the appointment of Ilham Aliyev the Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan by Heydar Aliyev

August 4, 2003

Ilham Aliyev`s appointment as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan

August 6, 2003

Departure of Heydar Aliyevfor Cleveland Hospital of the USA for treatment

October 10, 2003

Heydar Aliyev`s relinquishment to run for elections in favor of the Prime Minister, vice-chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party Ilham Aliyev

October 15, 2003

Ilham Aliyev`s victory on the presidential elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan

October 31, 2003

Inauguration ceremony of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev

December 12, 2003

Former President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, National Leader Heydar Aliyev`s deathin the Cleveland Clinic

December 14, 2003

Return of Heydar Aliyev’s body to Azerbaijan

December 15, 2003

A nationwide farewell ceremony for Heydar Aliyev held at the Republic Palace. The funeral ceremony held at the Avenue of Honor

December 23, 2003

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Constitutional Court

January 6, 2004

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approval of European Social Charter

January 13, 2004

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Combating Corruption

January 22-23, 2004

President Ilham Aliyev’s official visit to France

February 3, 2004

Signing of the Project Finance Agreements concerning the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) crude oil pipeline

February 5-7, 2004

President Ilham Aliyev’s official visit to the Russian Federation

February 11, 2004

The Decree of the President Ilham Aliyev on approval of “State Program on Socio-Economic Development of Regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan”

February 17, 2004

International Conference held on “Humanitarian Activity in Azerbaijan throughout 10 years: Influence, Acquired Experience, Future Perspectives”

February 27, 2004

Establishment of Military Lyceum named after Heydar Aliyev in Nakhchivan

March 1-2, 2004

President Ilham Aliyev’s official visit to Kazakhstan

March 10, 2004

Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Perpetuation of the National Leader Heydar Alirza oglu Aliyev’s memory ”

March 22, 2004

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Ecuador

March 22, 2004

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Somalia

March 22, 2004

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Cape Verde

March 23-24, 2004

State visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Uzbekistan

April 5, 2004

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Chad

April 5, 2004

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and East Timor

April 13-15, 2004

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Turkey

April 20, 2004

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Paraguay

April 20, 2004

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Eritrea

May 18, 2004

Inauguration ceremony of “Dede Gorgud” memorial in front of the headquarters of the World Customs Organisation in Brussels

May 21, 2004

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Malawi

May 28, 2004

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Burkina Faso

May 28, 2004

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Ruanda

May 28, 2004

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Kenya

June 3-4, 2004

State visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Ukraine

June 4, 2004

Inauguration of the monument of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev in Kiev

Inauguration of academician Zarifa Aliyeva’s monument

June 14-15, 2004

State visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Georgia

June 15, 2004

Opening of the Park named after Heydar Aliyev in Tbilisi

June 21-22, 2004

Official visit of the President of Greece Konstantinos Stefanopulos to Azerbaijan

July 8-9, 2004

Official visit of the President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Parviz Mousharraf to Azerbaijan

August 5, 2004

Official visit of the President of Islamic Republic of Iran Seyid Mohammed Khatami to Azerbaijan

August 13-18, 2004

Visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Greece

Grand opening of the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad in Athens

August 24-26, 2004

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Federal Republic of Germany

September 15-16, 2004

Meeting of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Armenian President Robert Kocharyan under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs Yuri Merzlyakov, Steven Mann and Anri Jakolen in Astana

September 22-24, 2004

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to NewYork

September 28, 2004

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Public Television and Radio Broadcasting

October 7, 2004

Official visit of the President of Republic of Bulgaria Georgi Pirvanov to Azerbaijan

October 11-12, 2004

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Rumania

October 18, 2004

An official ceremony held on the occasion of connection of Georgian and Azerbaijani sections of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Main Export Pipeline named after Heydar Aliyev

October 19, 2004

The President Ilham Aliyev`s participation at the II All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress

October 20, 2004

Opening of the Consulate General of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Tabriz

October 26, 2004

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Moldova Vladimir Voronin to Azerbaijan

November 11, 2004

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Equatorial Guinea

November 11, 2004

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Nauru

November30-december 1, 2004

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Qatar

December 13-14, 2004

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Great Britain

December 17, 2004

The second municipal election in Azerbaijan

December 28, 2004

The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Judicial-Legal Council”

January 24-26, 2005

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Islamic Republic of Iran

February 18, 2005

A solemn ceremony held on the occasion of the first oil production from “Central Azeri” platform

February 24-26, 2005

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Italian Republic and Vatican City

March 8-10, 2005

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

March 17-19, 2005

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the People’s Republic of China

March 30-31, 2005

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Poland

April 12-13, 2005

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Islamic Republic of Pakistan

April 21-22, 2005

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Moldova

May 16, 2005

President Ilham Aliyev`s speech at the Third Summit of the Heads of the Council of Europe member states and governments at the King Palace in Warsaw

May 20, 2005

The II World Customs Exhibition and Forum in Baku

May 24, 2005

Official visit of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to Azerbaijan

May 25, 2005

Inauguration ceremony of the Azerbaijan section of the Baku-Tbilisi- Ceyhan main export pipeline named after Heydar Aliyev

Signing of a joint Declaration over the construction of Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku railway link by the presidents of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey

June 10 – 12, 2005

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Croatia

June 14, 2005

Meeting of President Ilham Aliyev with the representatives of Azerbaijani diaspora in St. Petersburg

June 30, 2005

The ceremony of laying foundation of the new building for the Turkish Embassy in Baku held with the participation of the Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan

August 2, 2005

Visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

August 24, 2005

The ceremony of laying of the foundation of International Mugham Center in Baku

August 26-27, 2005

CIS Heads of State Summit in Kazan

Meeting of the President Ilham Aliyev with Armenian president Robert Kocharyan in Kazan

September 20, 2005

International Conference on “Solidarity of Islamic Ummah”in Baku

September 23-24, 2005

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Bulgaria

September 29, 2005

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Finland Mrs. Tarja Halonen to Azerbaijan

October 2, 2005

27th Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championship in Baku

October 3, 2005

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Latvia Mrs. Vaira Vike-Freiberga to Azerbaijan

October 12, 2005

The Official Inauguration of the Georgian section of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export pipeline named after Heydar Aliyev in Gardabani region of Georgia

November 6, 2005

Elections for National Assembly (Milli Majlis) of the Republic of Azerbaijan

December 20, 2005

Visit of the President of Islamic Republic of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

February 2, 2006

International Conference of the Senior Customs Executives of European region of the World Customs Organisation

February 10, 2006

The President Ilham Aliyev`s meeting with the President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk group Co-Chairs at the Rambouillet chateau outside Paris

February 21-22, 2006

Visit of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to Azerbaijan

Opening ceremony of the Year of Russia in Azerbaijan held with the participation of the Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Heydar Aliyev Palace

March 7-10, 2006

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Japan

March 16-17, 2006

The 2nd Congress of the Azerbaijanis of the World

April 4, 2006

The President of the Republic of Turkey Ahmed Nejdet Sezer`s official visit to Azerbaijan

April 19, 2006

The 13th International Conference entitled “Azerbaijan: Past and Present in Dialogue of Civilizations” in Baku

April 21, 2006

Adoption of the enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On State Registration of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan”

April 25-28, 2006

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the USA

May 4-5, 2006

The 9th Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) Summit in Baku

May 11, 2006

Official visit of the President of Republic of Korea Ro Mu Hyu to Azerbaijan

May 12, 2006

Adoption of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On phytosanitary control”

May 23, 2006

Adoption of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Oncological Assistance”

May 26, 2006

The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Service in the Institutions of Justice”

May 28-31, 2006

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to France

Opening ceremony of the new building of the Embassy of Azerbaijan in France

May 31, 2006

The President Ilham Aliyev`s speech at the spring session of NATO Parliamentary Assembly

June 4, 2006

The President Ilham Aliyev met with the President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan in Bucharest

June 8-9, 2006

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus to Azerbaijan

June 16-17, 2006

The President Ilham Aliyev`s speech at the 2nd Summit of “Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building in Asia” (CICMA) in Almaty

June 19, 2006

The 33rd session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (ICFM) in Baku

July 12, 2006

Unveiling of the memorial of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev in Sariyer region of Istanbul

July 13, 2006

The inauguration ceremony of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export pipeline named after Heydar Aliyev in Ceyhan city

Opening ceremony of the “Park of the Turkey-Azerbaijan Fraternity” named after Heydar Aliyev in Ceyhan city

August 23, 2006

Official visit of the King Abdullah II of Jordan to Azerbaijan

August 27-29, 2006

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Slovenia

September 7, 2006

Official visit of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko to Azerbaijan

September 18, 2006

The President Ilham Aliyev`s speech in the 10th Friendship, Brotherhood, and Cooperation Congress of the Turkic States and Communities in Antalya

September 22, 2006

The President Ilham Aliyev made a speech at the first meeting of International Bertelsmann Forum 2006

September 27, 2006

The meeting of the working group of frontier officials of the International Conference on Frontier Affairs in Baku

September 28, 2006

The 4th Conference of oncologists and radiologists of Commonwealth of Independent Countries in Baku

October 2, 2006

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on ratification of UNESCO Convention “On Protection of non-material cultural heritage”

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on joining the Convention “On the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of UNO”

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on joining the Madrid Agreement “On International Registration of Marks”

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on ratification of “Convention on Struggle against Discrimination in Education Sphere”

October 3-5, 2006

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Latvia

October 9, 2006

The 21st meeting of the Council on Cultural Cooperation of the CIS Member States in Baku

October 10, 2006

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On guarantees of gender (man and woman) equality”

October 11, 2006

Official visit of the President of Romania Traian Basescu

October 17-18, 2006

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Belarus

October 31, 2006

Opening of Ganja International Airport

November 20-21, 2006

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the United Arab Emirates

November 27-28, 2006

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Belarus

The President Ilham Aliyev`s attendance at the Summit of the state heads of Commonwealth of Independent Countries held in the building of Belarus National Library

The President Ilham Aliyev`s meeting with Armenian President Robert Kocharyan in Minsk

December 7, 2006

Opening of Carpet Museum in Khachmaz city

December 21, 2006

Laying the foundation of “Duzdag” health resort in Babek region of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

December 22, 2006

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Medicinal Agents”

December 29, 2006

Signing of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan a Decree “On Creation of Heydar Aliyev Center”

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Theatre and Theatrical Activity”

January 29-31, 2007

State visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of France

Awarding of the President Ilham Aliyev with the Order of “Grand Cross Commander of the Legion of Honour”

Awarding of Jacques Chirac with the Order of “Heydar Aliyev”

February 7, 2007

Signing of the Declaration of the Trilateral Summit of Regional Cooperation of Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey in Georgian Parliament building in Tbilisi

Opening ceremony of Heydar Aliyev Avenue in the center of Tbilisi

February 14-16, 2007

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Federal Republic of Germany

President Ilham Aliyev met with the heads of Azerbaijan Comminities acting in Germany

March 6, 2007

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on joining the Agreement “On Postal Payment Services of the Universal Postal Union”

March 9, 2007

First Forum of leaders of the World Azerbaijani and Turkish Diaspora Organisations in Baku

March 15-16, 2007

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Tajikistan

March 30, 2007

Official visit of Poland President Lekh Kachinski to Azerbaijan

April 3, 2007

International Conference on “Heydar Aliyev and Religious Policy in Azerbaijan: reality and perspectives” in Baku

April 10, 2007

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On non-governmental (private) security activity”

April 23-25, 2007

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Korea

April 26, 2007

International Conference on “Role of Media in Development of Tolerance and Mutual Understanding” in Baku

May 2, 2007

Official visit of the President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko to Azerbaijan

May 6-7, 2007

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Arab Republic of Egypt

May 8, 2007

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society

May 10, 2007

Reopening of the Green Theater in Baku after major repair and reconstruction on a birthday of the national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev

May 12, 2007

Unveling of the bust of Heydar Aliyev in Tbilisi

May 23, 2007

International Scientific and Practical Conference on “Democracy in Societies of Transition Period ”in Baku

May 25, 2007

Inauguration of the monument for Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in Istiglaliyyet street in Baku

June 9-10, 2007

Visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to St.Petersburg city of Russian Federation

President Ilham Aliyev`s meeting with Armenian President Robert Kocharyan at the “Baltic Star” hotel of the Congress Palace Complex in St. Petersburg

June 19, 2007

The 2nd Summit of the Presidents of Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM member statesin Baku

June 24-26, 2007

Visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Istanbul

Summit of the state and government officials of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization member states in Istanbul

June 28, 2007

Receiving of a group of representatives of Azerbaijani and Armenian intelligentsia by President Ilham Aliyev

June 29-30, 2007

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Naming of one of the main streets of Amman as “Heydar Aliyev Avenue”

August 7-8, 2007

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Kazakhstan

August 13, 2007

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon to Azerbaijan

August 21, 2007

Official visit of the President of Islamic Republic of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Azerbaijan

August 28, 2007

Official visit of Emir of State of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Tani to Azerbaijan

September 6, 2007

The meeting of the Council of the Ministers of Internal Affairs of CIS member states in Baku

September 10, 2007

The ceremony of laying the foundation of the Heydar Aliyev Center in Narimanov district of Baku

September 13-14, 2007

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Lithuania

In Vilnius city President Ilham Aliyev`s meeting with the members of Azerbaijani communities acting in Lithuania

September 24, 2007

Opening of the mission of Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the center of Bucharest

Opening of the Park named after the National Leader of Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev in Bucharest

September 27, 2007

International Conference on “Dialogue of Civilizations: Role of Political Parties”in Baku

October 2, 2007

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Croatia Stepan Mesich

October 10-11, 2007

The meeting of the presidents of GUAM member states in Vilnius dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the organization

Vilnius Energy Security Conference on “Responsible Energy For Responsible Partners”

October 16, 2007

The second Summit of the Heads of Caspian Sea littoral states in Tehran

October 17, 2007

Opening of Shahtakhti-Poldesht frontier post between Azerbaijan and Iran

November 1, 2007

International conference entitled " Youth in the name of the alliance of civilizations" in Baku

November 6, 2007

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Turkey Abdullah Gul to Azerbaijan

November 8, 2007

Laying the foundation of “Takhtakorpu” reservoir and hydroelectric power plant in Devechi region

November 12, 2007

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Dominican Republic

November 17, 2007

The XI Friendship, Fraternity and Cooperation Congress of Turkic states and societies in Baku

November 18, 2007

Opening ceremony of Turkey- Greece gas pipeline in Edirne city of Turkey

November 19, 2007

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Monaco

November 21, 2007

The ceremony of laying down the foundations of the Georgian part of Baku-Tbilisi-Qars railway line in Tetri-Skaro region of Georgia

December 18, 2007

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the names of geographical objects”

December 24, 2007

The ceremony of laying the foundations of the power plant “Janub”

December 25, 2007

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Insurance Activities”

December 28, 2007

Reopening of the Azerbaijan National Historical Museum after major repair and restoration

December 30, 2007

The ceremony of laying down the State Flag Square in Sabail district near the Naval Base

January 8, 2008

Putting the ferry named “Academician Zarifa Aliyeva”into operation

February 7, 2008

III Congress of International Union of Social Associations “Social Committee of War Veterans”in Baku

February 18-19, 2008

State visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Hungary

February 22, 2008

Unofficial Summit of the Heads of CIS member states was held in Moscow

February 26-27, 2008

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Poland

Awarding of President Ilham Aliyev with Grand Cross of Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland

March 3, 2008

The ceremony of laying the foundations of Ganja Steel Complex and Aluminium Plant Det.Al

March 7, 2008

Official opening ceremony of St. Maria Catholic Church in Baku

March 10, 2008

Working visit of Bulgarian President Georgi Pirvanov to Azerbaijan

April 1, 2008

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On medicinal natural resources, health-improving places and health resorts”

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on confirmation of Universal Postal Convention

April 3, 2008

President Ilham Aliyev`s attendance at NATO Summit in Bucharest

April 4, 2008

Within the framework of the NATO summit in Bucharest the President Ilham Aliyev`s meeting with the President of the United States George W. Bush, the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, the President of the Republic of Turkey Abdullah Gul, as well as with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

April 7, 2008

International Conference on “Protection of Political Rights in Azerbaijan – new criteria ”in Baku

April 18, 2008

The ceremony of laying the foundations of hydroelectric power plant in Fuzuli region

The ceremony of laying the foundations of the Medical Center in Fuzuli region

Opening of the bridge in Zobujuk territory

April 23, 2008

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Moldova Vladimir Voronin to Azerbaijan

April 24, 2008

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Montenegro

May 5-6, 2008

Visit of the King Abdullah II of Jordan to Azerbaijan

May 7, 2008

International Conference “For Democracy and Stability: New Opportunities for Cooperation” in Baku

May 9, 2008

Opening of Zigh circle – Heydar Aliyev International Airport highway

May 12, 2008

Official visit of the President of Swiss Confederation Pascal Couchepin to Azerbaijan

May 14, 2008

UNESCO Regional Literacy Conference on “Addressing Literacy Challenges in Europe with a sub-regional focus: Building Partnerships and Promoting Innovative Approaches” in Baku

May 15, 2008

The ceremony of laying the foundations of the building of State Museum of Azerbaijani Carpet and Folk Applied Arts

May 19, 2008

Official visit of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbangulu Berdimuhammedov to Azerbaijan

May 21-23, 2008

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Ukraine

Energy Security Summit in Kiev

May 22, 2008

Awarding of President Ilham Aliyev with the Order of Prince Yaroslav Mudry of 1st class of the Republic of Ukraine

May 28-30, 2008

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Finland

June 4, 2008

Attendance of President Ilham Aliyev and the Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the opening ceremony of “Duzdag” Physiotherapy Center in Babek region of Nakhchivan AR

June 5-7, 2008

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to St. Petersburg city of Russian Federation

Unofficial meeting of the Presidents of CIS member states in St. Petersburg

June 10, 2008

International Forum on “Expanding the Role of Women in Cross-Cultural Dialogue” in Baku

June 13, 2008

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Biometric Information”

June 18, 2008

The VI Baku International Conference of Ombudsmen

June 19, 2008

Grand meeting of Milli Mejlis (National Assembly) on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Azerbaijani Parliament

June 25, 2008

Opening of “Alov” plant of Optical-Mechanical Industrial Unit of the Ministry of Defence Industry

June 26, 2008

Military parade in Baku on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Azerbaijani Armed Forces

June 30, 2008

Unveiling of the memorial of outstanding Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko in Baku

July 1, 2008

The meeting of the Council of heads of states of GUAM - Organization for Democracy and Economic Developmen in Batumi

July 3, 2008

Official visit of the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev to Azerbaijan

July 5-6, 2008

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Kazakhstan on the occasion of the10th anniversary of Astana

July 12, 2008

Reopening of the Bibiheybet sanctuary complex

July 24, 2008

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Qars city of Turkey

The ceremony of laying the foundations of Turkey section of Baku-Tbilisi-Qars railway line in Qars

August 7-14, 2008

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to China

Opening ceremony of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad in Beijing

August 10, 2008

“Day of Azerbaijan” in China, in the course of Beijing Olympic Games

August 21, 2008

Working visit of the President of Rumania Traian Basescu to Azerbaijan

August 22, 2008

Opening of the wildlife recovery center and rehabilitation clinic in Altiagac National Park

August 28, 2008

Opening of Paralympic Sports Complex in Sumgayit

September 8, 2008

International conference on “Oil and Gas Potential of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan: energy, economy, ecology. Strategy of cooperation”

September 10, 2008

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Turkey Abdullah Gul to Azerbaijan

September 11, 2008

Official visit of Uzbekistan Islam Kerimov to Azerbaijan

September 12, 2008

Unveiling of the memorial of great uzbek poet and thinker Alishir Navai in Baku

September 24, 2008

The IV World Youth Employment Summit entitled YES in Baku

October 2, 2008

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan about joining the Convention “On disabled persons rights”

October 6, 2008

The fifth Conference of the Ministers of higher education and science of Islamic countries in Baku

October 8, 2008

Opening of Lenkaran International Airport

October 9, 2008

Opening of “Nasimi” station of Baku underground railway

October 15, 2008

Presidential election in the Republic of Azerbaijan

October 24, 2008

Inauguration ceremony of the re-elected President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev

October 24, 2008

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Zimbabwe

October 29, 2008

The funeral ceremony of outstanding Azerbaijani baritone operatic and pop singer Muslim Magomayev in the first Alley of Honors in Azerbaijan

November 1-2, 2008

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Moscow

Signing of a declaration as a result of trilateral meetings by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Armenian President Serj Sarkisian and Russian President Dmitriy Medvedyev in the Russian President’s residence in Moscow's “Mayn Dorf” castle.

November 5-6, 2008

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Turkey

Opening ceremony of Heydar Aliyev street in Ankara

November 13-14, 2008

The IV Energy Summit in Baku

Working visits of the President of Turkey Abdullah Gul, the President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus, the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, the President of Poland Lech Kaczynski and the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili to Azerbaijan

November 17, 2008

The Conference of the national library directors of Turkic-speaking countries and the plenary sitting of the organization on cooperation “Eurasian Assembly of Libraries” in Baku

November 25-26, 2008

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Italy

November 28, 2008

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Turkmenistan

December 2, 2008

Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Culture in Baku on the theme of “Intercultural dialogue as a basis for peace and sustainable development in Europe and its neighbouring regions”.

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan about ratification of International Convention on “Combating Nuclear Terrorism”

December 5, 2008

The forum dedicated to the 10th anniversary of International Conference on restoration of historical Silk Way in Baku

December 24, 2008

Putting of Sangachal power plant into operation

December 27, 2008

Opening of International Mugam Center in Baku

January 12, 2009

Official visit of the President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves to Azerbaijan

January 26-27, 2009

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Hungary

Energy Summit on Nabucco Project in Budapest

January 28, 2009

President Ilham Aliyev`s meeting with Armenian President Serj Sarkisyan in Zurich, Switzerland

January 29-30, 2009

President Ilham Aliyev`s aatendance at the World Economic Forum in Davos

February 6, 2009

Approval of the State Program “About the development of resorts of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2009-2018”

February 10-11, 2009

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Kuwait

February 12, 2009

Opening of Baku International Bus Terminal

February 15-17, 2009

State visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Greece

February 18, 2009

Opening ceremony of " Baku - the Capital of Islamic Culture - 2009” culture year

February 27, 2009

Official opening ceremony of the branch of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov

March 10-11, 2009

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Iran

10th Summit of Economic Cooperation Organization in Tehran

March 18, 2009

The nationwide referendum conducted in Azerbaijan with the aim to make additions and amendments into the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

March 18-25, 2009

The first International music festival “World of Mugam” and mugam singers contest in Baku

March 20, 2009

Opening of the Museum of Modern Art in Baku

April 9-10, 2009

Official visit of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko to Azerbaijan

April 14, 2009

Approval of “State Program on Socio-Economic Development of Regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2009-2013 years”by Presidential Decree

Enactment of the Law of of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On special economic zones”

April 21, 2009

Conference of the heads of law-enforcement authorities of Organization of the Islamic Conference member states in Baku

May 4, 2009

Approval of “The State Programme on Implementation of National Strategy on Science Development in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009-2015”.

May 6-8, 2009

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Czech Republic

President Ilham Aliyev`s attendance at “Eastern Partnership Summit” and “South corridor – New Silk Way” summits of European Union held in Prague

May 10, 2009

Opening of the Thalassemia Center in Baku on the initiative of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation

May 15-17, 2009

25-th Rhythmic Gymnastics European Championships in Baku

May 20, 2009

Official visit of the President of Georgia Micheil Saakashvili to Azerbaijan

June 2-5, 2009

The 16th International “Caspian Oil & Gas 2009” Exhibition and Conference in Baku

June 2, 2009

Approval of the state programme on “Azerbaijani Theatre 2009-2019"

June 4-5, 2009

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Russian Federation

The joint meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev with the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan in St. Petersburg

June 9, 2009

Adoption of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Voluntary Activities” by the Parliament of Azerbaijan

June 19, 2009

Adoption of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Education”

June 28, 2009

Official visit of the President of the State of Israel Shimon Peres to Azerbaijan

June 29, 2009

Working visit of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev to Azerbaijan

June 30, 2009

Adoption of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Physical training and Sports”

July 2, 2009

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Poland Lech Kachinski to Azerbaijan

July 6, 2009

Reopening of Taza Pir mosque-complex after thorough reconstruction

July 8, 2009

Official visit of the President of the Syrian Arab Republic Bashar Al Asad to Azerbaijan

July 12-15, 2009

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

July 17-18, 2009

Working visit of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to the Russian Federation

The trilateral meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev with the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan in Moscow

August 4, 2009

Solemn ceremony dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

August 10-11, 2009

Official visit of the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers to Azerbaijan

August 12, 2009

The 12th Congress of the Caucasus Muslims Administration

August 13-22, 2009

By the support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation I International Music Festival and contest of pianists in Gabala

August 17, 2009

Approval of the “State Program on establishment and development of cosmic industry in the Republic of Azerbaijan”

September 9, 2009

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Tuvalu

September 11, 2009

Visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Kazakhstan

September 15, 2009

The solemn celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Contract of the Century, which laid the foundations of Azerbaijan's new oil strategy

September 28-29, 2009

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Rumania

September 29, 2009

Summit of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking Countries in Baku

September 30, 2009

Inclusion of Azerbaijan's ashug art into UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approval of the Convention “On cybercrime”

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approval of the Convention “On the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data”

October 3, 2009

The 9th summit of Turkic-speaking countries' Heads of State in Nakhchivan. Signing of the Nakhchivan Agreement on Establishment of Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking Countries and the Nakhchivan Declaration as the result of the summit by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of Turkey Abdullah Gul, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev as well as vice-chairman of Turkmenistan's Cabinet of Ministers Khydyr Saparliyev

October 8-9, 2009

The visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Moldova to attend the meeting of the CIS Heads of State Council

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s meeting with the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan in Kishinev

October 12-13, 2009

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

October 13-14, 2009

The 6th Conference of Culture Ministers of Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) in Baku

October 18-20, 2009

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Switzerland

October 22, 2009

International Conference on Caspian Sea Security in Baku

November 6, 2009

The International Conference on “Inter-Religious Dialogue: From Mutual Understanding to Joint Cooperation” in Baku

November 9, 2009

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Slovenia Danilo Turk to Azerbaijan

November 11, 2009

The International Conference on "Dialogue between civilizations: A View from Azerbaijan” in Baku

November 11-13, 2009

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Belarus

November 11-13, 2009

Days of Azerbaijan culture in European Parliament on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev Foundation

November 17, 2009

Day of Azerbaijan in UNESCO

November 19, 2009

Opening of Sumgayit Power Plant

November 20, 2009

The constituent congress of the Public Union of Azerbaijani Students Youth Organizations

November 21-23, 2009

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Munich, Federal Republic of Germany

President Ilham Aliyev`s meeting with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan in the residence of the consul general of France in Munich

November 24, 2009

Opening ceremony of the Square named after the National Leader Heydar Aliyev in Ulyanovsk

November 26, 2009

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approval of “Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe”

Approval of “Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions”

December 8-9, 2009

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the French Republic

December 8-14, 2009

3rd International Mstislav Rostropovich festival in Baku

December 23, 2009

The 3rd municipal elections in Azerbaijan

December 30, 2009

Opening of new “Azadlig prospekti” station of Baku Metro in the 8th microdistrict of Baku

January 7, 2010

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Swaziland

January 15, 2010

Borning of the 9 millionth citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan at 5.10 a.m.

January 25, 2010

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Sochi, Russian Federation

The joint meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev with the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan in Sochi

January 27-28, 2010

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Switzerland

The 40th World Economic Forum in Davos

February 4-6, 2010

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Federal Republic of Germany

President Ilham Aliyev`s attendance at the 46th Munich Security Conference

February 23, 2010

Recognition of March 21 as International Day of Novruz by the United Nations General Assembly on Azerbaijan's initiative

March 1, 2010

The 90th anniversary of Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency - AzerTAc

March 2, 2010

Opening of Baku Business Center

March 10, 2010

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Marshall Islands

March 11, 2010

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Saint Lucia

March 18, 2010

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Fiji

March 19, 2010

Ceremony of laying the foundation of shipbuilding plant meeting modern standards in Baku

April 6-8, 2010

State visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Estonia

April 16, 2010

The international conference entitled “2010 Parliamentary Elections in Azerbaijan: more democratic, more transparent” in Baku.

April 26-27, 2010

Summit of the world religious leaders in Baku

May 8-9, 2010

Working visit of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Moscow

Celebration ceremonies in Moscow on the occasion of the 65th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

May 11, 2010

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approval of the Convention “On Combating Traffic in Persons”

Adoption of law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “About personal information”

May 13, 2010

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Serbia Boris Tadich to Azerbaijan

May 16, 2010

Official visit of Abdullah II King of Jordan to Azerbaijan

May 17, 2010

Unveiling of the memorial for the founder of the Republic of Turkey Mustafa Kamal Ataturk in Baku

May 25, 2010

Republic Day of Azerbaijan marked in United States Congress

May 26-29, 2010

International Art Festival “Giz galasi” (Maiden tower) in Baku

June 3-4, 2010

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko to Azerbaijan

June 7-9, 2010

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Turkey

The 3rd Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Istanbul

June 8, 2010

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Approval of the Military Doctrine of the Republic of Azerbaijan”

June 17, 2010

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Russian Federation

President Ilham Aliyev`s meeting with the President of Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan at the “Konstantinovski” palace in St. Petersburg

June 24, 2010

Election of Azerbaijan as a member of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Heritage for 2010-2014

June 29 - july 1, 2010

The 1st International Music Festival “Silk Way” in Sheki

June 30, 2010

Working visit of the President of Bulgaria Georgi Pirvanov to Azerbaijan

July 9, 2010

Signing of the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) Agreement for 2011-2015 between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and United Nations Organization

July 10-11, 2010

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Ukraine to attend the informal meeting of the presidents of CIS member states

July 15, 2010

Official visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania Mahammad Uld Abdulaziz to Azerbaijan

July 21, 2010

Opening of the salt plant built in Masazir

July 25 – august 5, 2010

By the support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation II International Music Festival in Gabala

August 16, 2010

Official visit of the President of Turkey Abdullah Gul to Azerbaijan

September 1, 2010

Opening ceremony of State Flag Square in Baku

September 2-3, 2010

Official visit of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev to Azerbaijan

September 14, 2010

Signing of the Baku Declaration on the project AGRI (Azerbaijan-Georgia-Romania-Hungary Interconnector Project) by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of Romania Traian Basescu, President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban

September 15-16, 2010

President Ilham Aliyev`s attendance at the 10th Summit of Turkic-speaking countries' Heads of State in Istanbul

September 23, 2010

Ilham Aliyev`s speech at the 65th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York

September 23, 2010

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Grenada

September 27-28, 2010

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Uzbekistan

October 4, 2010

Opening of Jewish school in Baku

October 27, 2010

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Russian Federation

President Ilham Aliyev`s meeting with the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan in Astrakhan

Inauguration of the memorial of the National Leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev in Astrakhan

October 27-28, 2010

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Ukraine

November 3, 2010

Ceremony of laying the foundation of New Baku International Trade Seaport Complex

November 4, 2010

The presentation of the UNDP Report on Human Development 2010 in Baku. According to the UN Development Programme (UNDP), Azerbaijan achieved success in human development among 169 countries over the last five years. Azerbaijan ranked 101 on the human development index in 2005. The country reached 67 as a result of 2010

November 7, 2010

Elections to Milli Mejlis (National Assembly) of the Republic of Azerbaijan

November 8, 2010

Opening of Baku circular road

November 9, 2010

Opening of State Flag Museum in Baku

November 16, 2010

Entering of Azerbaijani carpet into the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage

November 17, 2010

Official visit of the President of Islamic Republic of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Azerbaijan

November 18, 2010

The third summit of Caspian Sea littoral states in Baku.

The signing of an agreement on security cooperation and a Joint Declaration between the leaders of the five countries

November 19-21, 2010

President Ilham Aliyev`s visit to Lissabon, the capital of Portugal, to attend NATO Summit

November 27-28, 2010

The first Congress of the World Azerbaijani Youth in Frankfurt, Germany

November 30- december 2, 2010

President Ilham Aliyev`s visit to Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, to attend OSCE Summit

December 9-10, 2010

President Ilham Aliyev`s visit to Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation, to attend the meeting of CIS Council of heads of states

December 21, 2010

Approval of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Normative legal acts

Enactment of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approval of the Convention “On road signs and signals”

December 22-23, 2010

President Ilham Aliyev`s visit to the Republic of Turkey to attend the 11th Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Summit

December 28, 2010

Putting of Oguz-Gabala-Baku water pipeline into operation

December 28, 2010

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Togo

January 13, 2011

Signing of “Joint Declaration on the Southern Gas Corridor” in Baku by President Ilham Aliyev and President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso

January 16-18, 2011

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Latvia

January 21, 2011

Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the 20th anniversary of restoration of state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan

January 26-28, 2011

President Ilham Aliyev`s attendance at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland

February 8, 2011

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Solomon Islands

March 5, 2011

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Sochi city of Russian Federation

Trilateral meeting of the President Ilham Aliyev with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan at the Reception House of the “Grand Polyana” hotel in Sochi

March 14, 2011

Official visit of the President of the Swiss Confederation Micheline Calmy-Rey to Azerbaijan

April 5, 2011

Official visit of the President of Hellenic Republic Karolos Papoulias to Azerbaijan

April 7, 2011

World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku

April 17, 2011

Official visit of the President of Romania Traian Basesku to Azerbaijan

April 28, 2011

Official visit of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich to Azerbaijan

May 2, 2011

Official visit of the President of the Republic of Lithuania Ms. Dalia Grybauskaitė to Azerbaijan

May 14, 2011

Victory of the Azerbaijani duet singers Eldar Gasimov and Nigar Jamal among 43 countries taking part in the 56th Eurovision - 2011 Song Contest

May 16, 2011

Reporting Conference of the Supreme Religious Council of the Caucasus Peoples in Baku

May 17, 2011

Official visit of the President of Czech Republic Vatslav Claus to Azerbaijan

June 1-3, 2011

President Ilham Aliyev`s working visit to the Republic of Italy to take part in the events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Unification of Italy

June 6, 2011

The ceremony of laying the foundation of Baku Olympic Stadium

June 8-9, 2011

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Serbia

Erection of the Monument of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev in Tashmaydan Park of Belgrade

Unveiling of the bust of Uzeyir Hacibeyli in Novi Sad city of Serbia

June 9-10, 2011

Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Slovenia

Opening of memorial museum of the Hero of the Soviet Union Mehdi Huseynzadeh in Novo Goritsa city of Slovenia

June 22-23, 2011

Working visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Kingdom of Belgium

Crans Montana Forum in Brussels

June 24, 2011

The joint meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Russian Federation Dmitri Medvedev and the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan in the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan of Russian Federation

June 26, 2011

The grand military parade on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of restoration of state independance of Azerbaijan and the 93rd anniversary of Armed Forces in Azadlig (Freedom) square in Baku

June 28-29, 2011

Official visit of the President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas to Azerbaijan

June 29, 2011

Opening of “Darnagul” station of Baku Metro in the 7th microdistrict of Baku

July 5-6, 2011

The III Congress of World Azerbaijanis in Baku

July 25, 2011

Official visit of the President of Poland Bronislav Komorovski to Azerbaijan

July 30 - august, 2011

The 3rd Gabala International Music Festival

August 9, 2011

Working visit of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Sochi, Russian Federation

Meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev with the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev

September 12, 2011

The 61st session of the World Health Organization regional Office for Europe in Baku

September 15, 2011

Official visit of the President of Montenegro Philip Vuyanovich to Azerbaijan

Approval of the new Customs Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan

September 19, 2011

Inauguration of memorial to outstanding Azerbaijani composer, People's Artist of the USSR and Azerbaijan, Hero of Socialist Labour, State Prize Laureate Fikret Amirov in the center of Baku

September 25-october 8, 2011

The 16th Boxing World Championships in Baku.The Azerbaijan national boxing team won 4 licenses for London Olympics and ranked third in the medal count of the world championship which brought together 570 boxers from 113 countries

September 29-30, 2011

President Ilham Aliyev`s participation in the European Union’s “Eastern Partnership” Summit in Warsaw

October 3, 2011

International conference on “The Role of Woman in the 21st Century: The Responsibility of Female Politicians” in Baku

October 7, 2011

Official visit of the President of France Nicholas Sarkozy to Azerbaijan

October 10, 2011

International Humanitarian Forum on "XXI century: hopes and challenges" in Baku

October 12, 2011

Official visit of the President of Austria Heinz Fischer to Azerbaijan

October 25, 2011 -

Election of Azerbaijan, for the first time in its history, as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2012-2013, gaining 155 votes from the UN member countries.

November 11, 2011

The Azerbaijan-Hungary business forum .

November 17, 2011

The opening ceremony of Gabala International Airport

December 24, 2011

Groundbreaking ceremony of the Baku White City project.

December 28, 2011

Opening of five-star "Bilgah Jumeirah Beach Hotel" complex in Bilgah settlement of Baku.

December 29, 2011

Opening of the Intellectual Transportation Management Center in Baku.

December 30, 2011

Opening of Baku Subway’s "Koroglu" (former "Mashadi Azizbayov") station after reconstruction.

January 1, 2012

Receiving of the authority of the Security Council's non-permanent member status Republic of Azerbaijan

April 2-4, 2012

The session of Euronest Parliamentary Assembly in Baku.

May 3, 2012

Passing of the month-long chairmanship of the UN passed to Azerbaijan

May 7, 2012

The opening of "Baku Crystal Hall". The venue holds 25,000 spectators.

May 9-13, 2012

The first international bicycle tour in Azerbaijan.

May 10, 2012

The opening ceremony of Heydar Aliyev Center.

May 26, 2012

Final part of Eurovision 2012 Song Contest in Baku

May 30, 2012

Putting of Nakhchivan Cement Plant into operation

June 6, 2012

US Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton`s official visit to Azerbaijan

June 26, 2012

Signing of a memorandum on realization of new project for the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP) by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister of Turkey Regep Tayyip Erdogan

June 29, 2012

Official opening of Crans Montana forum in Baku

August 12, 2012

Closing ceremony of the XXX Summer Olympic Games. Azerbaijani athletes won 10 medals in the Olympics - two gold, two silver and six bronze. Due to this performance the Azerbaijan Olympic team took the 30th place among 205 countries and the 5th place among the CIS states.

September 19, 2012

Opening of the Azerbaijan Cultural Centre in Paris

December 8, 2012

Decision of European Olympic Committee to hold the first European Olympic Games 2015 in Baku.

December 30, 2012

Adoption of the development concept “Azerbaijan 2020: a look into the future

February 8, 2013

Launch of the first satellite of the Azerbaijan Republic«Azerspace-1» from the Guiana Space Centre – spaceport Kourou in South America, French Guiana, which is administratively controlled by France, by the booster «Ariane-5" –

April 8, 2013

The World Economic Forum (Davos Forum) on "Strategic Dialogue on the future of the South Caucasus and Central Asia” in Baku

May 7, 2013

The first South Caucasus Forum in Baku

May 30, 2013

Opening of the II World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku

June 13, 2013

Opening of the IV Congress of Azerbaijani Women

August 15, 2013

The III Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking States in Gabala

September 18, 2013

Opening of the Guba Genocide memorial complex

September 28, 2013

Opening of the Takhtakerpu water reservoir, Takhtakerpu hydroelectric power station and Takhtakerpu-Jeyranbatan water utility constructed on the territory of Shabran district

October 9, 2013

Re-election of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the third time in the result of the presidential elections, with 84.54% of votes

December 13, 2013

Opening of the "Kitabi Dede Gorgud" monument and Dede Gorgud Park in Baku

December 17, 2013

The signing ceremony of final investment decision on "Shah Deniz-2" in Baku

February 3, 2014

Unveiling ceremony of the memorial of the distinguished composer Gara Garayev

April 16, 2014

Inauguration of the National Gymnastics Arena in Baku

April 23, 2014

Opening of the new air terminal complex of the Heydar Aliyev International Airport

April 28, 2014

Official opening of the Second Global Open Society Forum in Baku

May 5, 2014

Inauguration of new buildings of the Central Library of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and “Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia” Scientific Centre

May 18, 2014

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev`s state visit to Vietnam

June 5, 2014

The 4th Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States (Turkic Council) in Bodrum

June 15, 2014

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev`s state visit to Greece

September 20, 2014

Foundation stone-laying ceremony of the Southern Gas Corridor

October 2, 2014

The 4th International Humanitarian Forum in Baku

December 26, 2014

Inauguration of Heydar Mosque in Baku

January 14, 2015

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev`s state visit to Turkey

May 18, 2015

The 3rd World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku

June 1, 2015

Inauguration of Baku White City Boulevard

June 8, 2015

Inauguration of Bayil Boulevard

June 12-28, 2015

“Baku -2015” First European Games. Azerbaijan ranked second for the number of medals won at Baku 2015. Azerbaijani athletes won a total of 56 medals including 21 gold, 15 silver and 20 bronze.

September 12, 2015

A ceremony to see off the first train on the Baku-Sumgayit route

September 15-16, 201

An official visit of the President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman to Azerbaijan

October 2, 2015

An international conference marking 20th anniversary of Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan

October 25, 2015

The opening of the Technical Equipment Plant in Sumgayit

October 28, 2015

The opening of Jeyranbatan ultra-filtration water purification facility complex

November 1, 2015

The election of the 5th convocation to the Azerbaijani Parliament (Milli Majlis)

November 5-6, 2015

An official visit of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Georgia

November 27-28, 2015

An official visit of of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Belarus

November 26, 2015

The opening of the 12th session of the General Conference of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO)

December 1, 2015

The opening of Nakhchivan Industrial Complex

December 8-11, 2015

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s state visit to the People's Republic of China

December 22, 2015

An official visit of the President of Afganistan Mohammad Ashraf Ghani to Azerbaijan

February 1-2, 2016

An official visit of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to to the United Arab Emirates

February 3-4, 2016

A visit of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

February 23, 2016

An official visit of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to the Islamic Republic of Iran

March 8, 2016

An official visit of the Emir of the State of Qatar Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani to Azerbaijan

March 10, 2016

The 4th Global Baku Forum entitled "Towards a Multipolar World"

March 15, 2016

The 5th session of the Azerbaijan-Turkey High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council in Ankara

March 30-April 1, 2016

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev participated at the IV Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, DC

April 19, 2016

The opening of Avtovagzal and Memar Ajami stations of the new violet line of Baku Metro

April 26, 2016

An official opening ceremony of the 7th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)

June 3-4, 2016

The 4th Congress of World Azerbaijanis

June 7, 2016

The German-Azerbaijani Economic Forum in Berlin

June 17-19, 2016

Formula 1 Grand Prix of Europe in Baku

July 14, 2016

An official welcoming ceremony for President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko

August 5-21, 2016

The winning of 18 medals, including a gold, seven silvers and ten bronzes at the Rio Olympics by the Azerbaijani athletes and ranking 39th in the overall medal table.

August 7, 2016

An official visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani to Azerbaijan

August8, 2016

An official visit of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to Azerbaijan

A Trilateral Summit by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin at the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku.

August 10, 2016

The opening of “Ismayilli-2” hydroelectric power plant and a bicycle factory

September 1-13, 2016

The 42nd Chess Olympiad was held in Baku

September 8, 2016

Opening of Yalama Aqropark in Khachmaz region

September 29-30, 2016

5th Baku International Humanitarian Forum

Septembaer 29-30, 2016

The Azerbaijani-Croatian business forum took place in Baku

October 2, 2016

Visit of Pope Francis to Azerbaijan

October 22, 2016

The official visit of the President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro to Azerbaijan

October 24, 2016

The official visit of the President of the Republic of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic to Azerbaijan

November 28, 2016

The official visit of the President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko to Azerbaijan

February 5-6, 2017

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s visit to the Kingdom of Belgium with invitation of President of the European Union Council Donald Tusk

February 26-27, 2017

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s official visit to Qatar

March 5, 2017

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran

March 13-15, 2017

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s official visit to France

May 5, 2017

The official visit of the President of the Republic of Mali Ibrahim Boubacar Keita to Azerbaijan

May 5, 2017

The 4th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue on the theme "Advancing Intercultural Dialogue: New Avenues for Human Security, Peace and Sustainable Development" in Baku

May 12-22, 2017

The 4th Baku Islamic Solidarity Games. Azerbaijani athletes became winner of the 4th Baku Islamic Solidarity Games with 162 medals (75 gold, 50 silver and 37 bronze).

June 22, 2017

The official visit of the President of the Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon to Azerbaijan

June 27-28, 2017

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s official visit to Qatar

July 16-17, 2017

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s official visit to Latvia

September 14, 2017

The signing ceremony of the new agreement on the “Azeri”, “Chirag” and “Gunashli” fields

September 20, 2017

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s speech at the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly in New York

October 13, 2017

The official visit of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev to Azerbaijan

December 21, 2017

The “2017- Year of Islamic Solidarity: Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue” international conference in Baku

March 15-16, 2018

The 6th Global Baku Forum under the slogan “Bridging Gaps to Create Inclusive Societies”

March 28, 2018

The official visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani to Azerbaijan

April 11, 2018

The next presidential election in Azerbaijan

April 18, 2018

The swearing-in ceremony of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at Azerbaijan`s Milli Majlis (Parliament)

April 24, 2018

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s official visit to the Republic of Turkey

April 26, 2018

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

May 21, 2018

The official visit of the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic to Azerbaijan

May 28, 2018

Official reception at the Heydar Aliyev Centre in Baku to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

May 29, 2018

The official opening ceremony of the Southern Gas Corridor in Sangachal terminal

June 26, 2018

Solemn military parade in Azadlig square, Baku to mark 100th anniversary of Azerbaijani Armed Forces

July 10, 2018

The official visit of the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Azerbaijan

July 18, 2018

The official visit of the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella to Azerbaijan

July 19-20, 2018

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s visit France

August 12, 2018

The signing ceremony of the convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea at the 5th Summit of the Heads of State of the Caspian littoral states in Aktau, Kazakhstan

August 25, 2018

The official visit of the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel to Azerbaijan

September 1, 2018

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s official visit to the Russian Federation

September 3, 2018

The 6th Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States held at the “Rux Ordo” Cultural Center named after Chingiz Aitmatov in Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyz Republic

September 5-6, 2018

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s official visit to the Republic of Croatia

September 21, 2018

A solemn meeting marking centenary of Azerbaijani parliament held at Milli Majlis
September 26, 2018 Azerspace-2, operated by Azerkosmos OJSC, was launched from Kourou’s cosmodrome in French Guiana.

October 19, 2018

An inauguration ceremony of the SOCAR’s giant investment project - STAR Oil Refinery held in the city of Izmir, Turkey

November 18-19, 2018

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s official visit to Belarus

February 27-28, 2019

The official visit of the President of Georgia Salome Zourabichvili to Azerbaijan

March 13-14, 2019

The 7th Global Baku Forum on the topic “New Foreign Policy of the World”

May 2-3, 2019

The 5th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue under the motto "Building dialogue into action against discrimination, inequality and violent conflict” in Baku

May 31, 2019

The official visit of the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda to Azerbaijan

July 21-27, 2019

EYOF Baku 2019, the 15th Summer European Youth Olympic Festival

September 20, 2019

The ceremony to mark 25th anniversary of Contract of the Century and Oil Workers Day at the Heydar Aliyev Center

October 1, 2019

The next population census in Azerbaijan

October 14-15, 2019

The 7th Summit of the Cooperation Council of the Turkic-Speaking States (Turkic Council) in Baku

October 25, 2019

The 18th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement in Baku

November 14, 2019

The 2nd Summit of World Religious Leaders in Baku

November 30, 2019

An opening ceremony of the Europe link of the TANAP gas pipeline held in Ipsala settlement, Edirne province, Turkey

December 10, 2019

The official visit of the King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan His Majesty Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein to Azerbaijan

December 17, 2019

The official visit of the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to Azerbaijan

February 14-15, 2020

The speech by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the Munich Security Conference

February 19-22, 2020

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev`s state visit the Italian Republic

April 10, 2020

An extraordinary Summit of Turkic Council

May 4, 2020

On the initiative of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Ilham Aliyev, an online Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement Contact Group under the motto “United against COVID-19”

July 12-16, 2020

The military provocation of the Armenian armed forces committed in the Tovuz direction of the Azerbaijani-Armenian border and inflicted heavy losses on the Armenian forces

August 10, 2020

A ceremony at Baku Deep Water Jackets Plant named after Heydar Aliyev to send a jacket of Garabakh field offshore

September 27, 2020

The start of the Second Karabakh War The Azerbaijani Army launched a counter-offensive in response to the enemy’s military provocations.

September 28, 2020

President Ilham Aliyev met with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres through videoconferencing.

October 4, 2020

Azerbaijani Army liberated the city of Jabrayil and several villages of the district.

October 9, 2020

The Azerbaijani Army liberated Hadrut settlement and several villages of Khojavand district

October 11, 2020

The Armenian armed forces fired ballistic missiles on Ganja city.

October 17, 2020

The Armenian armed forces launched second ballistic missile attack on Ganja city.

Fuzuli city and several villages of the district were liberated from the occupiers.

October 18, 2020

Azerbaijan’s Armed Forces raised the Azerbaijani flag over the ancient Khudafarin bridge.

October 20, 2020

Zangilan city and 6 villages of the district, 18 villages of Fuzuli, Jabrayil, and Khojavand districts were liberated from occupation.

October 25, 2020

The Azerbaijani Army liberated several villages of Zangilan, Jabrayil and Gubadli districts and the city of Gubadli from occupiers.

October 28, 2020

The Armenian armed forces fired on the city of Barda from the "Smerch" MLRS.

November 8, 2020

Shusha city liberated from occupation.

November 9, 2020

The Victorious Azerbaijani Army liberated 71 more villages, 1 settlement and 8 strategic hills from the Armenian occupation.

November 10, 2020

President of Azerbaijan, President of Russia and Prime Minister of Armenia signed the trilateral statement on complete ceasefire and a cessation of all hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone.

November 20, 2020

Aghdam district was returned to Azerbaijan. The 73 percent of the district's territory, including Agdam city was liberated from Armenian occupation.

November 25, 2020

Kalbajar district was returned to Azerbaijan. 147 settlements, including the city of Kalbajar, were liberated.

December 1, 2020

Lachin district was handed over to Azerbaijan. The liberation of the 127 settlements of the district

December 3, 2020

The address of the President of Azerbaijan and Chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement Ilham Aliyev at the Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to COVID-19 pandemic at the Level of the Heads of State and Government held in New York

December 10, 2020

A Victory parade dedicated to Victory in the Patriotic War held at Azadlig Square, Baku with participation of the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan

January 11, 2021

A discussion of the implementation of trilateral statement of November 10, 2020 at the meeting held among Russian President Vladimir Putin, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

March 5, 2021

The 7th congress of the New Azerbaijan Party

April 12, 2021

The inauguration of the Military Trophy Park in Baku

April 14, 2021

The official visit of the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to Azerbaijan

May 12-13, 2021

The “Kharibulbul” music festival in Shusha

June 15, 2021

The signing of the Declaration on Allied Relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey in Shusha city

August 29, 2021

The opening of the statue of Uzeyir Hajibeyli, house-museum of Bulbul and the bust and museum-mausoleum complex of Molla Panah Vagif in Shusha

August 30-31, 2021

Vagif's Poetry Days in Shusha

September 18-24, 2021

The 13th Uzeyir Hajibayli International Music Festival in Shusha

September 27, 2021

Azerbaijan marks Day of Remembrance to soldiers and officers, who demonstrated heroism in the fight for the sake of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan and killed civilians and missing compatriots.

October 26, 2021

Inauguration ceremony of Fuzuli International Airport was held with participation of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

November 12, 2021

President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan presented the “Supreme Order of Turkic World” to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the 8th Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States held in Istanbul.

February 21-23, 2022

The official visit of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Russia on the invitation of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin

April 21-22, 2022

The fifth Congress of World Azerbaijanis in Shusha city

May 26-29, 2022

TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan Aerospace and Technology Festival was held for the first time in Baku with participation of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of Turkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan 

June 22, 2022

The visit of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Uzbekistan

August 10, 2022

The working visit of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Konya, Türkiye

 August 24, 2022

The official visit of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to Azerbaijan

 August 26, 2022

Handing over to Azerbaijan of Lachin city, the villages of Zabukh and Sus, illegally settled by Armenians and was under the control of Russian peacekeeping forces

 August 31-September 2, 2022

The working visit of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to the Italian Republic

 September 16, 2022

The speech by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states Summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

September 19-20, 2023

Local anti-terrorist activities carried out by the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan in Karabakh

October 15, 2023

President Ilham Aliyev raised national flag of Azerbaijan and made a speech in Khankendi city

 November 8, 2023

A military parade dedicated to the third anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic War held in the city of Khankendi

 November 9, 2023

President Ilham Aliyev addresses the 16th Economic Cooperation Organization Summit in Tashkent

December 10, 2023

Working visit of President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Serbia

 January 10, 2024

Interview of President Ilham Aliyev to local TV channels

February 7, 2024

President Ilham Aliyev won the early presidential elections held in Azerbaijan for the fifth time.

 May 1-3, 2024

The 6th World Forum of Intercultural Dialogue held in Baku under the theme "Dialogue for Peace and Global Security: Cooperation and Interconnectivity".

September 1, 2024

The early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan

September 19, 2024

Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on establishing September 20 as the State Sovereignty Day in the Republic of Azerbaijan.